Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Free Home Library Book Organizing Software Plus Library Word Search Puzzles

 (Photo credit: henry…)
Yay! I have always loved books (and when in middle school in Canada I dreamed about becoming a librarian for a while.)
     Today's software freebie is great for all us book lovers! I can't wait to try it, even though most of my books are not with me :(
     This would be really great also for homeschool or classroom educators to get a grip on their book and ebook stashes.
     Here's how the developers describe this program:
 "Booknizer is a great helper when it comes to organizing a home library. This book organizer will collect information about electronic, audio and paper books from your library.

     Necessary details can be extracted from files or downloaded. Later you can easily search and sort your books, check their exact location (a loan manager is also included), view statistics, export and print reports, and much more. Booknizer is your library at fingertips."
System Requirements:Windows 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
Publisher:Maniac Tools
File Size:14.3 MB
Price:The program is available for $39.95, but it will be free full version today only

To get your copy today hurry and go here:Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily. Today: Booknizer - Booknizer is a great helper when it comes to organizing a home library. This book organizer will collect information about ...:

I also thought I'd share a fun little bonus for you, while we're on the topic of books:

Go here to download two word puzzles about libraries:

Library Word Find Puzzle
Library Word Find Puzzle
 (Photo credit: herzogbr)

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Win Prizes in the October Blogorama Bonanza Blog Hop. It Starts Today!

     You can win lot's of prizes in The Blogorama Bonanza Blog Hop!
     It starts today, October 10 and ends October 26, at 11:59 AM EST Time.
     Each blog's prize package amounts up to $25 and has its own theme. Please enter mine, plus about 100 other blog giveaways! About 100 blogs are coming together to bring you giveaways from sponsoring companies or their own products. :)
     Read more about my giveaway with Scandinavia House Publishing here: (you can also enter on the right.)

Check out more about the Blogarama!

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Win a Twin Loft Bed!

Enter to win a South Win a Shore Poplar Twin Loft Bed with Desk and Storage! Now, just for getting 4 friends to sign up, you'll be entered to win another, top secret prize. Once you get to 4 friends, come back here to find out what the secret prize is.
Use this special link to enter, please, so we can both benefit

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Free You Like It t-shirt

Bargain Shirts
Free "You Like This" T-shirt (USA only, sorry) while supplies last, just for liking them on Facebook and posting a photo of you wearing it, onto their wall when you receive it. I hope I get one too, :)

To get yours if they're not gone, hurry and go here:

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

3rd ATWIA Artsy Creativity Prompt -- Imagination Prompt Generator

Imagination Prompt Generator          I've had a really loooonnnngggg hard day today, getting X-rays taken, among other necessities. So I'm sorry, but I'm too pooped to finish the prompt for you I started to create this morning.
     Not to leave you in the lurch, though, today's All The World Is Art Creativity Prompt for you is an invitation to check out this handy doo-dad online writing (and other creativity) prompt tool I was recently led to: The Imagination Prompt Generator."
     Here's how they describe their free tool:
"Creativity Portal's Imagination Prompt Generator will inspire you by outputting one of many randomly generated "Imagination Prompts" at the press of a button. We call them Imagination Prompts because they can be used for writing, blogging, art projects, music, discussion, or anything else you need some inspirational prompting for!"
     It's fun.But you've got to promise you'll still come check out my creative prompts most every day too :)
     To look at the Imagination Prompt Generator, go here:

     Meanwhile, if you missed any of my earlier prompts, you can find them on my "arts and crafts" tab above or click the pictures below:

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Free licensed software giveaway - Reminder Commander 4

     I'm always eager to try out a new reminder or organizing or calendar or scheduling program, so today's free licensed software, "Reminder Commander 4" should be helpful indeed. Seems like anybody could use it, from frazzled soccer moms to homeschool educators to business people.
     Here's how the developer's describe the program:
      "If you are a very busy person with a full working, family and social life, then you cannot go wrong with Reminder Commander. The program will help you create a system of reminders for important events such as birthdays, anniversaries, appointments, important phone calls and much more.

You will no longer feel pressured about remembering everything as the computer will do it for you. Free your mind for more important tasks, and make your life more efficient!


Various reminder types – one-off and periodic.
Email reminders.
Sound notifications.
Scheduled tasks.
Reminding in advance.
Postponing reminders.
Tracking missed reminders.
History of reminders.
Search and filter
On-screen privacy protection.
Backing up the reminder database.
Supported languages: English, Danish, Dutch, French, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Slovak, Slovene, Spanish."
System Requirements:Windows 2000/ XP/ 2003/ Vista or Windows 7
Publisher:Abaiko Software
File Size:9.69 MB
Price:The program is available for $24.95, but it will be free as a time-limited offer today.

To download your totally free use forever copy, go here:

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Sunday, August 26, 2012

OnLive offering 4 free indie games this weekend

     According to Stephany Nunneley, OnLive is closing out its free Indie Weekend Giveaway promotion by handing out PoP – Methodology Experiment One, Lume, Dear Esther, and Defense Grid Gold for free. To get the games free of charge, you’ll need to visit OnLive’s Facebook page click a link or two, and follow the instructions to redeem your free game.
     Note by me: (Joan) Please keep in mind I just found this site. Unlike Game Giveaway of the Day, which I tell you about all the time and I've never gotten a virus from, I am unaware of how safe OnLive is or not, or how good or horribly violent these games might be. (I fear violence, for some reason.)
     But I thought some of my gamer followers might want to check it out, just in case, since it's only for this weekend so the deadline is tonight, I assume.
Go here to find out more:

     Also, don't forget to get your free aquarium game!

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ATWIA Creative Art or Writing Prompt of the Day -- A to Z

On my computer keyboard, my A print has almost disappeared, while the Z print is good as new. Does that mean the Z is lonely?
 (Photo Credit: Joan McCray, All The World Is Art)
     Today's prompt came about last night when I was trying to find a particular key on my computer keyboard in a room that was pitch black.
     Now, I have been a typist for decades. I learned when manual typewriters were still in.
     The IBM Selectric was new and amazing and became all the rage in offices etc.
     I learned to type on both of them in high school. I had my own manual typewriter.
     But the electronic version became my best friend because I didn't have to press so hard on the keys. I became so fast what with high school short stories, looooonnnng University term papers and essays, helping support myself as a secretary through college, and then becoming a reporter. Sometimes I'd amaze some folks with my flying fingers, lol.
The kind of typewriter I learned on, only at school they were a dull beige color.
Yes, I guess I, too, am Retro and Vintage now, lol
     However, I'm not as quick at the "hunt and pecking" method. I assume that is due to the fact that I didn't learn it that way to begin with. Plus, No more so with now I have arthritis and carpal tunnel so no quicky typing for me.
     Plus the sight-free method only works if you get your hands at the right beginning location to start with. This, as you know I'm sure, can be a challenge in the dark.
     But I digress. On to today's prompt:
     Last night I noticed how close the first letter of the English alphabet, "A" is almost right above the last letter of the alphabet, "Z", on the keyboard.
     Ok, so that's not some huge genius Ah Ha moment or anything.I am sure there's a scientific reason for this as far as making our typing easier when we're not looking. Or something like that.
     But just for fun:
-  Have you ever wondered why the 2 opposing letters are so close together on a keyboard or typewriter?
-  Is there a fable in that somewhere? 
-  Do they get along?
-  Have those letters affected you in some way?
-  Is there a story or poem in this somewhere? (Besides "Chick a Boom Boom", lol.)
- Would the 2 letters be fun to use in your art someway today?
- Do they spark anything else in that wonderful, creative mind of yours? (Yes, you. You are creative whether you think so or not.)

     I don't know about you but my mind is swirling with some ideas, so off I go to play artsy (after my obligatory computer time for today.)
     I hope you have fun too!

Pretty Please leave a comment if you like this new free segment offered for a little creativty spark to everybody everywhere from 1 to 111. :)It's nice to know if somebody out there is listening.

     Speaking of which, did anybody have a chance to try anything with yesterday's visual prompt of flickering flames called "Fire?" Maybe I should have included some written prompting too? What do you think?

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Free licensed Video Game Normally $20 - Fishdom Spooky Splash PLUS fun aquarium pics

 (Photo credit: cuatrok77)
Aquaria vattenmuseum
Aquaria vattenmuseum
 (Photo credit: markvall)
Aquarium (Photo credit: Rick Smit)
Small Aquarium with Paracheirodon innesi (neon...
Small Aquarium with Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra), Trigionostigma heteromorpha and Hemigrammus erythrozonus
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A shot of our 10 Gallon tank. Hopefully being ...
A shot of our 10 Gallon tank. Hopefully being used as an example of a personal water tank.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Filtration system in a typical aquarium: (1) i...
Filtration system in a typical aquarium: (1) intake, (2) mechanical filtration, (3) chemical filtration, (4) biological filtration medium, (5) outflow to tank
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Diagram of the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium.
Diagram of the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
National Aquarium, Baltimore, USA
National Aquarium, Baltimore, USA
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New Aquarium
New Aquarium (Photo credit: stewickie)
The Ocean Voyager exhibit tunnel. This image i...
The Ocean Voyager exhibit tunnel. This image is a panorama of 3 stitched photos to give a greater angle of view. Taken by myself on January 23rd with a Canon 5D and 17-40mm f/4L.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Fishdom: Spooky SplashWow my oldest boy AND my youngest boy would BOTH love today's free game that's normally worth $20 over at Game Giveaway of the Day!
    They both have LOVED aquarium fish games from the time they were little. Sometimes obsessively, I might add (lol.) I remember the kids jumping a little (not to mention myself doing so) whenever this monster fish would pop up loudly to eat their fishies if they didn't get away quick enough. It always seemed to be a surprise. We'd giggle at each other's reactions.

     So I don't see why today's offering, "Spooky Fishdom!" would be any less fun, unless you don't like ghosts and monsters like vampires, of course. Like that game I remember, in this one you "Earn cash as you complete addictive tile-swapping levels and spend it to fix up your spooktacular tank. Create the eerie atmosphere of an underwater haunted house with witches, vampires and ghosts in your aquarium.
     Have fun taking care of quirky tropical fishies and adding boo-tiful accessories to the virtual aquarium of your dreams! Win trophies as you polish your aquarium design skills in this brrrilliant match-3 sequel to Fishdom! Get splashed with Fishdom fun!"
     While I haven't had a chance to actually play it yet, I have checked it out, and here's what I think so far:
     Really cute graphics and fun eerie sound effects. The skeletons playing instruments in a band are hysterical :)
     The kids (and I, who am 48, lol) will enjoy this when we get to play together, which I pray will be soon. Thanks GOTD and Playrix software!
     I love how easy this game was to download and install on my Windows 7 laptop and how easy to activate, plus how the video did NOT mess up my visuals on my system like some games (not by Playrix) appear to.

System Requirements:Windows 98/ ME/ 2000/ XP/ Vista/ 7
Publisher:Playrix Entertainment
File Size:49.2 MB
Price:The program is available for $19.95, but it will be free today only 

To download your copy, quick! Go here:
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