Tuesday, September 6, 2011

2 Great Autumn Homeschool Ebook Freebies!

Homeschool Freebie of the Day: is offering 2 fantastic vintage Autumn homeschool studies today!
The first is: "Autumn Studies: Primary Lessons in Nature, Literature & Art by Anna E. McGovern (PDF ebook)

Give your children an appreciation of the wonders of nature during this Fall season with this classic 1905 compilation of lessons on nature, incorporating literature and art. "The aim of this study", says the author in the preface, "is twofold: First, to cultivate the higher nature of the child and lead him toward his Creator; and secondly to develop his intellectual powers and lead him to acquire a knowledge of his physical environment."

This vintage text includes lots of neat little lessons on plants, trees, insects, birds and the Fall season, right up to Thanksgiving, with Q&A lessons, poems & other readings that make this a real treasure-chest of goodies that can easily be gleaned and incorporated into your own homeschooling this Fall."

The second is:

All the Year Round: Autumn Nature Reader (PDF ebook)

Here's a classic nature reader compiled by Frances L. Strong way back in 1895, filled with engaging stories and poetry about plants, animals and insects as they go through the fall season, preparing for wintertime. Lovely illustrations, gentle text, great for read-alouds & nature study! Highly recommended!

'via Blog this'

We downloaded our copies and hope you enjoy using yours in homeschool or classroom too!

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